Keypitts - Trail Guide

19 November 2013  |  

Keypitts formerly known for their Quad Biking & Horse Riding have recently widened their activities to Mountain Biking (North Devon Mountain Bike Trails).

Keypitts has recently opened up a trail centre, which currently has a blue loop with additional red and black sections. This is just the start, with plans to expand the trails and modify/maintain current trails in the near future.

Keypitts - Trail Guide


  • Suitable for families, schools, stag groups, hen parties, single riders, group riders as well as anyone who feels there want to try out Mountain Biking!
  • At Keypitts there is a Café on site. Great to keep refreshed, as well as a great place to enjoy a nice lunch and sit back and chill before hitting the trails again. Along with a ball pit to keep the children happy!
  • Optional Uplift System (Pay as you go, or pay for day uplift)
  • Free Car parking
  • Free Bike wash
  • On site toilets
  • Night rides during the week (Ring/ask member of staff to find out more information)


The trails are suitable for all levels of riders, going from complete novices to expert's. Starting off with a Blue loop, which has somme fun jumps (optional) and berms. Mixed with some small climbs, rewarded with fun and flowy downhill sections that everyone can enjoy at there own pace.

The Red trails are a bit more challenging, designed to test your skills, with a few drops, bigger jumps, technical sections, high speed berms and rock gardens while still maintaining with some high speed sections and swooping berms that you can rail!

Keypitts - Trail Guide

The red trail also includes some black sections (more to come). Currently there is a section known as "The Quarry Line" which is a real tester with several lines to choose from into some "Gas to flat drops", followed by more technical sections. With a nice high speed decent with several berms that then flows into into a jump line with a huck at the end, if you're feeling up for it! And have the balls!

From the Car park, you head down a lane and soon come to the main area and the café (nice to have a cuppa before you get started). With the main loop starting on the left just past the café and just further down the red trail on your right. More trails start over on the main loop side at the moment, with just one in the Wood Side Red at the moment. (On going development!)

Keypitts - Trail Guide

I would suggest start with doing the Blue loop to begin with, just to warm up and get the legs moving!

The blue loop starts off a gradual climb, which then comes to section which is made up of lots of switchbacks, which makes the climb more intresting when you find your rhythm. Once your reach the top you are reward with a nice gradual downhill section that includes drops, jumps, a pump section, and fast berms!

Keypitts - Trail Guide

After another small climb you come into a fast little jump section leaving you wanting more! The trail then splits and you have the choice to carry on the blue section with more jumps and flow, or can head on down "The Badger Trail" (Red decent). This is a high speed decent that you can fly down! With an optional black line consiting of a blind rock drop and a slightly hipped road gap before you head on down to the boggy rock garden! You then have the option to join back onto the blue boop with a short steep climb onto the blue Decent that is great fun or head down the path back to the Café.

Keypitts - Trail Guide

The wood side red trail is a bit more on the techy side of things. The Wood Side red decent trail is steep, rooty and tight in places but still holds the speed well! A high speed single track section, that comes into a 180 degree turn around a huge rock slab, which can be quite hard to get around without a foot dab but is possible with the right line choice! The trail finishes of with a off the brakes and a committed line choice through the rock garden leaving you with a big grin!

Keypitts - Trail Guide

There is always on going building and the owners are open to any idea's you have or think would work. Trails are always built quicker with more volunteers and the current crew that have put their own time into helping out with these trails deserve a massive pat on the back! Anyone who wants to help get involved with trail building are always welcome.

Keypitts - Trail Guide

Who's it good for:

Keypitts is ideal for novices up to more serious rider. It's a great place if you're new to mountain biking, breaking you in gently with the blue loop suitable for Families. There's something for everyone to enjoy. A full on DH bike would probably be a bit over kill, with a trail bike being more suitable to help with the uphills.

Keypitts - Trail Guide


Located near Ilfracombe,

Keypitts Farm
Oxenpark Lane
Ilfracombe, North Devon
EX34 9RW
Tel: 01271 826247

Useful info:

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